Mingler Live is toegankelijk voor leden van het Mingler-netwerk, KNA, De Jonge Akademie en de Akademie van Kunsten. Zij kunnen zich per mail aanmelden bij Annelies ten Have: annelies.ten.have@knaw.nl. Anderen die graag aan deze bijeenkomst willen deelnemen, kunnen een verzoek met motivatie indienen bij annelies.ten.have@knaw.nl.
Voertaal van deze bijeenkomst is Engels. Hieronder vindt u informatie over het programma in het Engels.
Mingler Live - Meet your Match!
Mingler Live will take place twice a year to invite artists and scientists to get to know each other better and to get inspired by each other’s research and experiences. The language spoken during the evening will be English.
Participation in Mingler Live is open to members of the Mingler Network and members of the KNAW, De Jonge Akademie and the Akademie van Kunsten. Please send an e-mail to annelies.ten.have@knaw.nl if you wish to join the event.
Practical information
Date: 16.11.22 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Venue: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
Register: Please send an e-mail to annelies.ten.have@knaw.nl.
- 7 pm Spotlight presentations Mingler Scholarship laureats
- 7.50 pm Meet your Match – slowdating (3 rounds)
- 9 pm Drinks
- 10 pm End
Spotlight presentations
This year we invite the Mingler laureats of the Mingler Scholarschip editions of 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to give a spotlight presentation on their project. We welcome Antye Guenther (visual artist), Marlies Vermeulen (visual artist and co-founder of artist practice Dear Hunter and Elena Kamenshchikova (online, Assistant Professor, Faculty Health, Medicine and Live Sciences at Maastricht University) , Marion Lasserre (speculative designer) and Patrick Rensen (endocrinologist at Leiden University Medical Centre), Emilie Weisse (dancer and director) and Sabine Hunnius (director of the Baby and Child Reserach Centre (BCR) at Radboud University).
Meet your Match - Slow dating
Which artist or academic would you like to meet? If you are an artist, please give us maximum three names including e-mail addresses of academics you would like to meet. If you are an academic then please provide us with three names and e-mail addresses of artists you would like to meet. We will invite one of them taking into account your order of preference.
There will be three rounds of slow dating of twenty minutes each in which you can explore what is appealing to you and makes you longing for more information or even collaboration?
Please send your list of preferred matches to annelies.ten.have@knaw.nl before 1 November.
The Mingler Network
Currently there are almost 289 Minglers coming from De Jonge Akademie, Akademie van Kunsten (AvK), KNAW, Rijksakademie, Letterenfonds, ArtScience Honours Programme, Artist in Residence Fellows of the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (KNIR) and many more.