(Guidelines in English)
Het KNIR-Akademie van Kunsten Artist in Residence programma is bedoeld voor kunstenaars (schilders, beeldhouwers, architecten, fotografen, schrijvers, dichters, filmmakers, choreografen, couturiers, acteurs, etc.) die tijdens een verblijf van 3 maanden in Rome een project willen realiseren dat concreet bijdraagt aan de kruisbestuiving tussen kunst en wetenschap. Het KNIR-Akademie van Kunsten Artist in Residence programma is door het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR) en de Akademie van Kunsten gezamenlijk ingesteld.
Van de KNIR-Akademie van Kunsten Artist in Residence wordt verwacht dat hij/zij actief deelneemt aan het leven van de zich op het KNIR bevindende academische gemeenschap en hierbinnen de kruisbestuiving tussen kunst en wetenschap bevordert. Dit omvat een regelmatige aanwezigheid in de bibliotheek van het KNIR, deelname aan de activiteiten die op het KNIR plaatsvinden (in het bijzonder de wekelijkse discussieavonden), het verzorgen van eigen presentaties en het organiseren van activiteiten in het verlengde van het artistieke project (studiedag, tentoonstelling, performance, expert meeting, et cetera). Aan het KNIR wordt in de domeinen Oudheid/Archeologie, Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis onderzoek gedaan naar de geschiedenis van Rome en haar relatie met de rest van de wereldgeschiedenis, met momenteel onder meer een focus op (cultureel) imperialisme en kolonialisme van de antieke oudheid tot nu.
Neem contact op met Devika Arjun per e-mail: avk@knaw.nl
Het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome is een te Rome gevestigde wetenschappelijke instelling die tot taak heeft het Nederlands universitair onderwijs en onderzoek te bevorderen, door eigen activiteiten te ontplooien dan wel door activiteiten van anderen te faciliteren en/of te ondersteunen. Als grootste en oudste van de Nederlandse Wetenschappelijke Instituten in het Buitenland (NWIB) is het KNIR eigendom van de zes klassieke Nederlandse universiteiten (UvA, RUG, UL, RU, UU, VU).
De Akademie van Kunsten heeft tot doel: het vertolken van de stem van de kunsten in de Nederlandse samenleving (inclusief de politiek) en het bevorderen van de interactie tussen de kunsten onderling en de kunst, maatschappij en wetenschap.
The KNIR-Society of Arts Artist in Residence programme is intended for artists (painters, sculptors, architects, photographers, writers, poets, filmmakers, choreographers, couturiers, actors, etc.) who wish to realise a project during a 3-month stay in Rome that contributes concretely to the cross-pollination between art and science. The KNIR-Akademie van Kunsten Artist in Residence programme was jointly established by the Royal Dutch Institute Rome (KNIR) and the Academy of Arts.
The Artist is expected to actively participate in the life of the KNIR academic community and to promote the cross-fertilization of art and science within it. This includes regular presence in the KNIR library, participation in the activities that take place at KNIR (especially the weekly discussion evenings), giving his/her own presentations and organizing activities as an extension of the artistic project (study day, exhibition, performance, expert meeting, etc.). At the KNIR, research is conducted into the history of Rome and its relationship with the rest of world history in the domains of Antiquity/Archaeology, History and Art History, with a current focus on (cultural) imperialism and colonialism from ancient times to the present.
- Members of the Society of Arts.
- A Dutch artist from the Netherlands or abroad, nominated by someone else.
- A non-Dutch artist living and working in the Netherlands, who has been nominated by another person.
- A stipend of € 1,900 per month (gross), so in total: € 5,700 (gross) for three months.
- Temporary accommodation in a guest flat of the KNIR. The KNIR is located in the Roman city park Villa Borghese, at walking distance from the historical centre of Rome.
- Temporary workplace in the library of the KNIR, equipped with ict-facilities, as well as secretarial support. Workshops are not available.
- A budget for travel expenses and expenses related to activities in the context of the artistic project carried out at KNIR of up to € 1,000 per month. Expenses are reimbursed on the basis of supporting documents.
- A fellow is personally responsible for payments to the tax authorities in the Netherlands or in another country where he/she is liable to pay tax.
- Applications and nominations can be submitted from 12 February until 10 May 2024 (23:59 hrs) at the latest for the fellowship period September 2024 - December 2024.
- Applications must be completed using the online application form on the Society of Arts website.
- The KNIR and the Society of Arts will announce the results respectively within 1 month after the deadline.
- The director of KNIR and the chair of the Society of Arts will evaluate the candidates in competition with each other and decide who will be awarded the fellowship. The official secretary of the Society of Arts has an advisory role in this process. The assessment will take place on the basis of established criteria (see below).
- A clear objective and description of the project to be carried out during the period as a KNIR Society of Arts Artist in Residence;
- The candidate's motivation to contribute to the cross-fertilization between art and science in general;
- The potential for dialogue with the scientists who conduct research at the KNIR;
- A clear description of intended activities;
- The stay at the KNIR should lead to a concrete result, for example a publication/essay or a concept/framework that can be made public;
- The added value of a stay at the KNIR.
- The Artist must ensure that the result (or the process leading up to it) will be made available for the websites of the KNIR and the Society of Arts with useful visual material and explanatory notes during or shortly after the stay at the KNIR. Publications produced as a result of the residency must bear the name and logo of the Society of Arts and the KNIR.
- The Artist must submit a brief substantive report on the activities and results of the fellowship to both the Society of Arts and KNIR during the last month of the fellowship.
- The Artist in Residence must have carried out a public activity related to the project on which the fellowship was based within one year of the end of his/her stay at the KNIR, in consultation and collaboration with the Society of Arts and the KNIR.
Please contact Devika Arjun by e-mail: avk@knaw.nl
The Royal Netherlands Institute Rome is a scientific institution based in Rome whose mission is to promote Dutch university education and research, either by developing its own activities or by facilitating and/or supporting the activities of others. As the largest and oldest of the Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIB), KNIR is owned by the six traditional Dutch universities (UvA, RUG, UL, RU, VU).
The objective of the Society of Arts is to represent the voice of the arts in Dutch society (including politics) and to promote interaction between the arts themselves and between art, society and science.
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